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Shared values
Home Office is the result of a combination of specialist partners, sharing a set of shared values, values of fundamental importance to us: to listen to the needs of our customers and our partners, to take into account changing lifestyles and to enable you to benefit from the very best in innovation, design and customer service.
HOME OFFICE solutions are designed and manufactured by Samibois, wooden construction specialists since 1965. Samibois has constantly evolved and adapted in line with changing environmental requirements. The company has incorporated the nature concept in everything it does, from the management of its three factories in the Vendée region of Western France, to the composition of its finished products.
The broad range of office furniture we offer to furnish garden offices is manufactured by a well-known specialist, Gautier Office, a company that uses to innovation and research in order to provide you with the very best in contemporary furnishings.
Made in France
Our products are manufactured in the Vendée region of Western France, at sites boasting the very latest in cutting-edge industrial facilities. Human values, respect and solidarity are central to our companies’ philosophies. The collective efforts of our dedicated employees enable our products to symbolise the values of French products: style, character and quality.
Sustainable development
our companies, as civically responsible companies, have a long established policy in favour of sustainable development. From the very first design stage, our development teams take into account several criteria to keep the the future product’s impact on the environment to a minimum.
HQE CONSTRUCTIONS: the HQE approach integrates all the phases of a project: design, construction, functioning and demolition of a building. It is a voluntary environmental approach of quality management and implies all the actors. We proceed to thoughtful choices by basing us on 14 targets, among which the main commitment to preserve the environment means: reducing energy consumption, water treatment, sorting waste for improved recycling.
The program of Recognition of the Forest Certifications or PEFC is presented as an ecolabel. Affixed on our wood or with wood products, we guarantee that our products are constituted of at least 70 % of wood selected from sustainably managed forests.
Waste treatment: the responsibility of the waste management rests on those who produce them. The priorities are the prevention, the valuation and the reduction of the environmental and sanitary impacts. It applies at SAMIBOIS by the systematic sorting of every rebus or waste bound connected to our industrial activity as well as the evacuation of the waste of construction in our containers.
GAUTIER is the first furniture company in France to obtain three quality certificates:
- ISO 9001 for its Quality Assurance procedures,
- ISO 14001 for its commitment to the environment,
- and OHSAS 18001 OHSAS 18001 for its compliance with workplace safety.
Find the detail of our environment policy on our web site
Gautier Office is also certified NF ENVIRONNEMENT